Annotated Bibliography
Bullock, K., Sidebottom, A., Armitage, R., Ashby, M. P. J., Clemmow, C., Kirby, S., … Tilley, N. (2022). Police perceptions of problem-oriented policing and evidence-based policing: evidence from England and Wales. Police Practice and Research, 23(6), 775–791.
This study examines police officers' perceptions of problem-oriented policing and evidence-based policing in England and Wales. The researchers used survey data to explore how these tactics are viewed in terms of efficiency, practicality, and the challenges that come from attempting to implement either problem-oriented policing or evidence-based policing. The study found that there were mixed perceptions for evidence-based policing among officers. Officers trusted traditional policing over the evidence-based methods. The articles discuss the challenges of implementation being the police culture in terms of changing their view of research. The article also discusses an agencies resources and how that can make the implementation difficult. This research article can shed light on the difficulties for someone, either a researcher or a police administration, who wants to implement these tactics in an organization. This study is important to show what a person has to overcome and the challenges they should be ready to face when trying to train and install new practices.
Caplan, J. M., Kennedy, L. W., Drawve, G., & Baughman, J. H. (2021). Data-Informed and Place-Based Violent Crime Prevention: The Kansas City, Missouri Risk-Based Policing Initiative. Police Quarterly, 109861112110032–.
This research studies a specific initiative from the Kansas City, Missouri police department. They wanted to put a strategy in place to look at preventing violent crime with Risk Terrain Modeling. The researchers identify high-risk areas using spatial and temporal crime analysis and then send officers to those locations to patrol. The study showed a reduction in violent crime by focusing on the places instead of people which would help with discrimination and bias. Showing that using data and a place-based strategy coupled with preventative measures had a real impact in those locations on the violent crime. This study also advocated for targeted approaches in policing instead of the current “ride around and find someone committing crime” approach. This work can give other agencies a go-by for how to implement a more targeted strategy and potential also reduce their own violent crime or another crime that is a problem for that agency.
Choi, J., Haneul, Y., & Hicks, R. D. (2020). Direct and indirect effects of crime-related media consumption on public confidence in the police. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 22(1), 38–49.
This article looks at how the media, specifically crime-related media effects peoples trust in law enforcement. They look at both direct effects and then indirect effects. A direct effect would be how the media portrays law enforcement and how that influences someone to feel about the police. An indirect effect would be how much of the content that a person watches and then increases their fear of crime which leads to losing confidence in police effectiveness. The article discusses how large amounts of crime related media consumption is associated with losing trust in the police and their perception of the job. This research shows how important the media is in terms of how police is perceived and trusted to do their jobs. Especially, in the current climate how an agency is perceived can alter the reaction after a major event or an officer involved shooting. Having transparency and giving the media positive things to discuss can alter the perception.
Donner, Christopher M. & Olson, David E. (2019): Fair treatment in policing: testing the relationship between internal and external procedural justice, Journal of Crime and Justice, DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2019.1677262
This study explores the link between how an officer is treated within their department and then subsequently how they treat the public. It is referred to as internal procedural justice, how they are treated by their department, and external procedural justice, how they treat the general public. The research examines whether if someone is treated fairly internally will they treat the public in a fairer manner. The findings suggest that officers that feel that they are treated fair at work are more likely to treat the public fair. These findings were based on the officer’s perception and not the citizens. If a department is using practices and policy’s based in science and research then they are less likely to be utilizing bias and be treating their employees fair which will increase the fairness to the public.
Heyer, G. (n.d.). Evidence-based policing: A review of its adoption and use by police agencies in the United States of America. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 69, 1.
This research specifically discusses the implementation of evidence-based policing in the United States. The article looks at the challenges and the effectiveness of using evidence-based practices and policies. Practitioners would use this research to see if their own organizational culture would be receptive to having evidence-based policies implemented or if they would need to have additional support and training from their administration. The article discusses how being evidence-based enhances decision-making and better use of an agency’s resources. The research team concedes that while being evidence-based is ideal it may not be widely accepted across different agencies. The article concludes that using evidence-based practices and policies will increase officer accountability and effectiveness. This article will be especially useful to other departments and agencies who want to start using more evidence-based practices in the future as a roadmap.
Kadry, A. T. (2021). Practical considerations for implementing an evidence-based policing approach in police operations: a case study. Policing and Society, 31(2), 148–160.
This article follows a case study on implementation evidence-based policing within a police department. This study follows an agency trying to combat commercial burglaries in Greater Manchester. The researcher explores the complications that can come from trying to implement evidence-based practices like resource allocation, resistance from officers, and how to get your leadership team onboard with training and education. The researchers discuss that getting buy-in from leadership teams to align organizational goals with the kinds of change that is to be implemented is paramount. The study attempts to be a go-by for how to be evidence-based, to include how to overcome the obstacles that will present themselves to agencies like officer buy-in and the cost of change policy. This study looks at the best ways to implement these changes and what departments should be aware of when they are looking to make these changes. The research did state that carrying out a long-term evidence-based process would be able to be implemented.
Lin, K., Sidebottom, A., & Wortley, R. (2022). Evidence-based policing and police receptivity to research: Evidence from taiwan. Policing, 45(5), 860-880. doi:
This study looks at the perception and acceptance of evidence-based policing among police officers in Taiwan. The researchers looked at factors that affect an officer’s openness to research and evidence-based practices in policing. Factors that were identified were based in cultural, organizational and personal differences among officers. Officers with higher education and support from their leadership team are more likely to trust research-based methods of policing than their uneducated counterparts. If administrations support and encourage pro-research tactics and practices, then the organization as a whole is more effective when they use evidence-based tactics. The study shows that a positive attitude towards evidence-based policy and practices will create an environment where officers are more likely to look for and utilize an evidence-based practice. This article can show insights to other agencies looking to implement these practices and how to begin getting their officers ready for these changes.
Mourtgos, S. M., Mayer, R. C., Wise, R. A., & O’Rourke, H. (2020). The Overlooked Perspective of Police Trust in the Public: Measurement and Effects on Police Job Behaviors. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31(5), 639–672.
This study explores the concept of how much trust does an officer have in the public that they serve and how does that affect their job performance and their behavior towards the public. The researchers used a framework to measure the officers trust in the community and then comparing it to whether those officers were more likely to use proactive policing. The researchers attempted to show that an officer’s trust in the citizens can increase the officer’s effectiveness and their own job satisfaction. On the flip side, an officer who is mistrusting of the citizens that they serve are more likely to engage in less than positive interactions or disengage from their job altogether. This study shows how trust is a two-way street, and it is just as important that police have a favorable view of the citizens that they serve, that they look at them as a part of their own community and have trust in them.
Santos, R. G. & Santos, R. B. (2019). A four-phase process for translating research into police practice. Police Practice & Research, 20(6), 585–602.
This research outlines a four-phase structed model for how to incorporate research and evidence-based findings into actual police practices. The article looks to bring academia and law enforcement agencies together to work collaboratively. The four-phase model consists of discovery, translation, dissemination, and institutionalization. This model hopes to provide an approach to implementation of evidence-based practices within police departments. The study discusses the challenges that departments will face when trying to implement these changes, like how to translate research so that officer can understand it and be able to use it in the field. The researchers talk about the importance of training and how the leadership team has to be on-board with the plan for it to move effectively. The framework can be applied to any of the evidence-based practices and show assist any department with implementation. The purpose of the framework is to be easy to use and suitable for any size or socioeconomic status that a department may have.
Mario S. Staller & Swen Koerner (2021) Evidence-based policing or reflexive policing: a commentary on Koziarski and Huey, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 45:4, 423-426, DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2021.1949619
In this paper these researchers discuss how using a complementary practice of reflexive policing in combination with evidence-based policing can be implemented in police agencies looking to enter into the field. The researchers discuss the differences between evidence-based policing and how it uses research and empirical data to steer police departments while reflexive policing focuses more on adaptability and officers evaluating themselves and making changes. While the authors concede that evidence-based policing is a good practice to implement they also believe that it should be coupled with reflexive policing to address the current problems that police departments face. This perspective might appeal to police officers more since they are more likely to trust their own instincts than a peer-reviewed study. If the two approaches are combined and presented together than a department might have more buy-in from officers and be more effective in their implementation strategy. This article shows a different way for police administrations to introduce the concepts without throwing out the strategies that police rely on now.